The "boy" here displays what psychologists call blunted affect, which means that he doesn't display emotional responses. Film has always been about emotional expression, that for me anyway is one of the great lures, you see people who feel what you feel and the tears run down their faces actors under this perspective are expert emoters. Something that I like about the movie, but which is very hard to express cinematically is that it acknowledges that emotions and their expression are very separate.
The Frankenstein's Monster of this movie is an unsocialised youth, he's had no mentor, and no love, a blank shell of a man with unchecked needs and desires he needs to eat, he wants to mate, and he has to find out who created him. He arrives back home and seeks out his "creators". As with the protagonist from Delta, the "boy" (Rudolf Frecska) in this film returns from a distant institution where he's been conveniently forgotten about for many years. To me it felt very much a personal expression as opposed to anything particularly approaching universality. For the national total ballots cast, I impute Mississippi's total ballots cast from the ratio of total ballots cast to vote for highest office for all other states, and apply this ratio the Mississippi's vote for highest office.The picture is becoming a little clearer with Kornél Mundruczó's work, this is his third feature containing brother and sister characters with incestuous feelings (following "Delta" and "Pleasant Days"). I choose not to report total ballots cast for Mississippi because the state did not report total ballots cast independently of the EAC, and their reported number to the EAC was less than the vote for highest office. The discrepancy may be due to a number of factors, including: a state using vote history from a voter file that has undergone purging between the election and the report to the EAC or incomplete or erroneous reporting from local jurisdictions to the state in the course of the 2010 Election Day Survey. Election Assistance Commission for their 2010 Election Day Survey, or - if it exists - a higher number reported on official state websites or canvass reports.

įor total ballots cast, I use the higher of a state's report of total ballots cast to the U.S. The overseas eligible estimate is calculated from 2008 overseas citizen estimates provided by the Federal Voting Assistance Program. See The Sentencing Project for more information. Note, a '0' indicates that either a state does not disfranchise a class of felons or the state does not incarcerate felons within their borders. Starting in 2010, the citizen prison population is reported. 2010, the year-end 2010 DOJ prison report and the year-end 2010 DOJ probation and parole report. 2010, non-citizen estimates from the 20 American Community Surveys interpolated to Nov. The denominator data reflect the Jand JCensus Bureau voting-age population estimates interpolated to Nov. Some states may report a statistic they call total ballots cast, but is actually vote for highest office. Total ballots counted includes blank and otherwise invalid votes for the highest office. Not all jurisdictions report total ballots counted, so a second-best numerator is Highest Office, which in a presidential election year is the total votes for all presidential candidates including write-ins (where reported), and in a non-presidential election may be the vote for the highest turnout statewide office (typically governor) or if no statewide election was held, the sum of the congressional elections. The preferred turnout rate numerator is the Total Ballots Counted, which is all ballots election officials counted.
The voting-eligible population ( VEP ) represents an estimate of persons eligible to vote regardless of voter registration status in an election and is constructed by modifying the voting-age population ( VAP ), by components reported in the right-most columns (scroll right in the spreadsheet). The preferred turnout rates are those calculated with the voting-eligible population as the denominator. 2010 November General Election Turnout Rates